Although there are many great books and museums that cover Italy’s role in World War Two, the following selections should provide a good understanding of the Italian military and political actions.
Frogmen First Battles by William Schofield and P.J. Carisella
A real page-turner recounting the exploits of the Italian frogmen. The original Navy SEALS.
Courage Alone: The Italian Air Force 1940-1943 by Chris Dunning
A highly recommended book on the Italian Royal Air Force during World War Two, specifically in the Mediterranean theater.
Iron Hulls Iron Hearts: Mussolini’s Elite Armoured Divisions in North Africa by Ian Walker
A detailed account of Italian armored division actions in North Africa during World War Two.
Haile Selassie’s War by Anthony Mockler
Arguably the best book on the Italian actions in Abyssinia. A must buy for anyone interested in the often overlooked battles in east Africa in World War Two.
Museums of Interest
US Army Ordnance Museum, 2601 Aberdeen Blvd, Aberdeen Prv Grd, MD – (410) 272-3622
This museum has 3 Italian tanks to view. The Fiat M13/40, the Semovente da 149/40 and the Semovente da 90/53.
Museo Storico della Motorizzazione Militare, Viale dell’Esercito 170, Rome, Italy
Here you can see the Carro M14, Carro P40, Semovente 75, Semovente 47, autoblinda 41, and the cv33
Museo Storico Dell’Aeronautica Militare Italiana, Airport, Vigna di Valle, Italy
A great museum of Italian World War Two aircraft
Online Overview – War Museums in the Boot: A Traveler’s Guide to the Military History of Italy
A three-part series on military museums for all periods of Italy’s history.