Where would I find a list of Arkansas Confederate Civil War Soldiers and Confederate POWs. My great-great- grandfather was an Arkansas Confederate prisoner in 1864. I can find no trace of him after that. He simply disappeared and never returned home. Where would I find a list of battles he may have been in and possibly captured before 1864? Any info would help.
Paul E. Treadwell
Dear Mr. Treadwell,
A common feature of state libraries throughout the country are unit histories of Civil War “volunteer regiments” from the various states, compiled and written by historians in the counties or cities in which they or one of their companies were organized. Such state regiments made up the bulk of the Union Army and virtually all of the Confederate Army. Such is probably the case in Arkansas, whose state archives probably include such books or could guide you to a library within the state that has them. In order to find out more about your great-great-grandfather, however, it would help to have such information as his name, the number of the Arkansas regiment in which he served, his rank when captured or, alternatively, the Union prison camp in which he was held (which may have a roster of prisoner, including those who died in captivity). Without those essentials, you’d be working blind…and so would Mr. History.
Jon Guttman
Research Director
World History
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